Alexandra Psheborovskaya - Lead QA & PM/JetBrains - DevTalks Romania


Alexandra Psheborovskaya

Alexandra Psheborovskaya

Lead QA & PM

Alexandra is a force to be reckoned with in the world of software testing. As Lead QA and Product Manager at JetBrains Aqua, she's at the forefront of exploring the most progressive AI approaches to testing.

But Alexandra's impact extends far beyond her day-to-day work. She's a mentor to QA colleagues, empowering women in tech through Women in Tech programs and serving as a Women Techmakers Ambassador. She's a leading voice in the quality community, hosting her own podcast and speaking at professional conferences worldwide. And as if that wasn't enough, Alexandra has also created her own QA Automation courses, helping to train the next generation of testing experts.

Get ready to be inspired by Alexandra's drive, her passion for quality, and her commitment to empowering others. Join her as she explores the latest and greatest AI approaches to testing, and discover how you can revolutionize your own approach to software testing.