Check out the different topics, each representing a single block of talks and sessions to guide you through the program of DevTalks! We look forward to welcoming you to the event and providing you with an unforgettable learning and networking experience in the world of technology.
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10:50 to 11:35
Exploring the Latest in Generative AI beyond Human Language
Main Stage | 30 May — 45 minutes Artificial Intelligence IoT
Discover the latest in Generative AI beyond human language. Recent advancements in multimodal generative AI enable the creation of realistic images, videos, and audio from textual inputs. Join Ekaterina as she explains the inner workings of these complex systems, exploring key concepts and techniques. Read More...
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12:15 to 13:00
Coding at Warp Speed: The AI Revolution in Full-Stack Development
Future of Engineering Stage — 45 minutes Artificial Intelligence Future of Engineering
Today, artificial intelligence is not just reinventing the wheel—it’s reprogramming the vehicle.
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12:15 to 13:00
The QA Relay Race is ON!
QA & Testing Stage — 45 minutes QA Testing
During my professional Basketball career, to prepare well for a game, we used to watch on video tapes our previous games, spot our mistakes, acknowledge them, and set an action plan to avoid the recurrence.
14:00 to 14:45
Efficient performance testing with a shoestring budget
QA & Testing Stage — 45 minutes QA Testing
When it comes to performance testing, this is often still an oddity. All arguments are good for not testing for performance. No environment, no time, no resources, no problems in production and last but not least, no money. Effective performance testing costs money, sure, but you don't have to be a Rockefeller to do it. Read More...
15:25 to 16:10
Navigating the road to automated testing through OKRs
QA & Testing Stage — 45 minutes QA Testing
Have you ever encountered the challenge of adopting automated testing in your team? It’s a common concern among QAs to express frustration about their desire to learn automated testing while being burdened by the amount of manual testing on their plate. This presentation aims to show an approach to address this problem among teams. Read More...
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14:50 to 15:20
Detection Engineering: how to be proactive in identifying threats in your organization
Security Stage — 30 minutes Security
A successful detection engineering program focuses on people and organizational processes, beyond technology itself. We know that technology alone cannot prevent cyber threats and vulnerabilities. Read More...
14:00 to 14:45
Vertically Integrated in Platform Engineering: Secrets to Success When Operating the Company Within the Company
Gaming Stage — 45 minutes Gaming
This is effectively a "what is platform engineering?" talk, through the lens of viewing the org as an independent company and breaking down all the functions we typically associate with an independent company and how those translate to functions within a platform org and team.
14:50 to 15:20
Maximizing Your Game's Global Reach through Culturalization
Gaming Stage — 30 minutes Gaming
With over 30 years of experience as a geographer and culturalization strategist working on over 270 games, Kate Edwards has been involved in the creation of many titles, including titles such as: Halo, Fable, Age of Empires, Mass Effect, Call of Duty, Tomb Raider, Apex Legends, and many others.